Figure 62. The crew. Ali Aqil, standing far right, was the group’s foreman whose work strategy enabled the completion of the reservoir reconditioning in four weeks. Photo by visitor, 7-11-2015.
Figure 57. Cleaned reservoir with clean water after the first rain, 19-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 1. Map of reservoirs of Byzantine to Modern Umm el-Jimal. R13 is the Great Roman Reservoir.
Figure 54. … including the walls. For inscription see Fig. 5. 14-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 23 Stone up 1. 24-10-2015.
Figure 22. Stone and soil removal – experimental; it proved very difficult to flip the stones over the top edge. 22-10-2015.
Figure 15. Nearly a truckload of accumulated trash and garbage was collected before removal of stones and soil began. 19-10-2015.
Figure 24. Stone up 2. 24-10-2015.
Figure 21. Smaller stones were carried up the steps in a grand 15 minute ‘parade’ in which the 20 members of the Commodus Gate Preservation team participated. 21-10-2015.