Figure 28. While stones were being removed, another part of the team began removing the soil using buckets and ropes. The strategy was to remove the thinner layers from the edges where bedrock was higher to isolate the deeper and thicker layer in the middle. This and the following 20 photographs show the soil ‘melt’ away until the final remnant is removed from the deeper center. 20-10-2015
Figure 6. Water drawing station built in the 1955 preservation. The stones on the right and the left used to protrude to provide standing space for a person drawing water with a bucket on a rope. They were broken off by vandals. 3-11-2015.
Figure 12. A huge quantity of stone was thrown into the reservoir in the past 20 years. Foreman Ali Aqil serves as scale, 19-9-2015.
Figure 47. Three days later, the last pocket of soil on the last day of scheduled team work. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza. 13-11-2015
Figure 32. NE corner 1. 1-11-2015
Figure 10. Roman Reservoir the day after the rains, 2-2-2012.
Figure 8. Wadi Za’atari in Umm el-Jimal, 1-2-2012.
Figure 22. Stone and soil removal – experimental; it proved very difficult to flip the stones over the top edge. 22-10-2015.