Figure 50.Ali Aqil sweeping up, 13-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 16. Removing stones from sediment basin 1, 19-10-2015.
Figure 22. Stone and soil removal – experimental; it proved very difficult to flip the stones over the top edge. 22-10-2015.
Figure 61. The north wall of Houses 87 (right) & 88 (left) exposed after the removal of the long-term reservoir cleanout mound from its south side. 10-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 62. The crew. Ali Aqil, standing far right, was the group’s foreman whose work strategy enabled the completion of the reservoir reconditioning in four weeks. Photo by visitor, 7-11-2015.
Figure 27. Stone up 5- over the edge! 24-10-2015.
Figure 14. The last frog standing, 21-10-2015.
Figure 57. Cleaned reservoir with clean water after the first rain, 19-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.