Figure 12. A huge quantity of stone was thrown into the reservoir in the past 20 years. Foreman Ali Aqil serves as scale, 19-9-2015.
Figure 19. Stone removal part 3. 19-10-2015
Figure 25. Stone up 3. 24-10-2015.
Figure 33. NE corner 2. Full buckets ‘flew’ up rapidly, and mounds of soil accumulated. 1-11-2015.
Figure 61. The north wall of Houses 87 (right) & 88 (left) exposed after the removal of the long-term reservoir cleanout mound from its south side. 10-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 58. Removing sediment mound from this and earlier cleanouts south side of reservoir. 7-11-2015.
Figure 22. Stone and soil removal – experimental; it proved very difficult to flip the stones over the top edge. 22-10-2015.
Figure 17. Sediment basin 2, stone removal, part 1. 19-10-2015