Figure 65. Mayor Hasan Fahed standing by the erstwhile al-Rgaibeh family reservoir. 9-11-2015. See figure 1, R19.
Figure 61. The north wall of Houses 87 (right) & 88 (left) exposed after the removal of the long-term reservoir cleanout mound from its south side. 10-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 42. Sunshine and evaporation proved the best drying agent! 8-11-2015
Figure 35. Attacking the middle 2: four hours later, 12:02 pm, 2-11-2015.
Figure 19. Stone removal part 3. 19-10-2015
Figure 10. Roman Reservoir the day after the rains, 2-2-2012.
Figure 58. Removing sediment mound from this and earlier cleanouts south side of reservoir. 7-11-2015.