Figure 21. Smaller stones were carried up the steps in a grand 15 minute ‘parade’ in which the 20 members of the Commodus Gate Preservation team participated. 21-10-2015.
Figure 20. Stone removal part 4; this completed the clearing of sediment basin 2, 19-10-2015.
Figure 59. Onto dump small truck. 7-11-2015
Figure 31. The rainfall was light, and the soil dried quickly. 29-10-2015
Figure 4. 3 November, 2015, 110 years later, and 60 years after re plastering of the masonry and bedrock. The bosses of the draughted masonry remain visible as bumps in the thick layer of cement, but the “coping” has been removed. 3-11-2015.
Figure 64. Payday in the rain shelter of the House XIII great room. Ali Aqil and Bert de Vries distributing the weekly payroll, 5-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza
Figure 38. Stratified sediment, 50 cm deep. 5-11-2015.
Figure 44. After overnight showers a rain-slicked floor made the work challenging. 9-11-2015.