Figure 2. Reservoir R7 in courtyard of House 52 before work began. 10 Oct 2016.
Figure 22. Crew members begin cleaning of sediment and algae. 26 October, 2016
Figure 13. Removal of twentieth century reservoir cleanout. 12 Oct. 2016.
Figure 7. Reservoir R31 just after the cleanout began, 11 Oct. 2016.
Figure 20. Reservoir 13 with water remaining to an average depth of one meter. In the foreground one can see the shelf of exposed bedrock floor and the algae bloom in the shallower water. 26 October 2016.
Fig. 6. Supply channel created by the Masa’eid to direct the overflow from R13 to Reservoir R7. 2 Nov. 2016.
Figure 24. Team 1. The group that worked the first two weeks and is mostly responsible for the clearing and cleaning of reservoirs R7 and R31.
Figure 21. The dry south west corner of Reservoir 13 with its deposit of plastic bottles on top of algae ‘rooted’ in about 3 cm of new sediment. 26 October, 2016.