Figure 64. Payday in the rain shelter of the House XIII great room. Ali Aqil and Bert de Vries distributing the weekly payroll, 5-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza
Figure 63. Contribution of the Municipality. Mayor Hassan Fahed (right) and Muaffaq Hazza. 7-11-2015
Figure 30. Taking the high ground first – in a sea of wet sediment. 27-10-2015
Figure 6. Water drawing station built in the 1955 preservation. The stones on the right and the left used to protrude to provide standing space for a person drawing water with a bucket on a rope. They were broken off by vandals. 3-11-2015.
Figure 32. NE corner 1. 1-11-2015
Figure 1. Map of reservoirs of Byzantine to Modern Umm el-Jimal. R13 is the Great Roman Reservoir.
Figure 10. Roman Reservoir the day after the rains, 2-2-2012.