Figure 42. Sunshine and evaporation proved the best drying agent! 8-11-2015
Figure 30. Taking the high ground first – in a sea of wet sediment. 27-10-2015
Figure 12. A huge quantity of stone was thrown into the reservoir in the past 20 years. Foreman Ali Aqil serves as scale, 19-9-2015.
Figure 64. Muaffaq Hazza, field director, and Ali Owaisi, DoA rep, discussing project strategy. 5-11-2015.
Figure 20. Stone removal part 4; this completed the clearing of sediment basin 2, 19-10-2015.
Figure 29. Soil removal – bucket by bucket, after the first rain, 26-10-2014
Figure 23 Stone up 1. 24-10-2015.
Figure 3. North side and NW corner of reservoir in 1905 photograph. The “draughted masonry” is exposed where the ancient coat of thick plaster (called opus signinum by Butler) has fallen off. The “coping of flat and well fitted slabs” is visible on top of the wall in the segment on the right.