Figure 36. Each of two teams marked off squares for removal. 4-11-2015
Figure 57. Cleaned reservoir with clean water after the first rain, 19-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 58. Removing sediment mound from this and earlier cleanouts south side of reservoir. 7-11-2015.
Figure 46. Left to be done in in the last 4 days, 10-13 November. 9-11-2015.
Figure 61. The north wall of Houses 87 (right) & 88 (left) exposed after the removal of the long-term reservoir cleanout mound from its south side. 10-11-2015. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza.
Figure 31. The rainfall was light, and the soil dried quickly. 29-10-2015
Figure 62. The crew. Ali Aqil, standing far right, was the group’s foreman whose work strategy enabled the completion of the reservoir reconditioning in four weeks. Photo by visitor, 7-11-2015.