Figure 21. Smaller stones were carried up the steps in a grand 15 minute ‘parade’ in which the 20 members of the Commodus Gate Preservation team participated. 21-10-2015.
Figure 4. 3 November, 2015, 110 years later, and 60 years after re plastering of the masonry and bedrock. The bosses of the draughted masonry remain visible as bumps in the thick layer of cement, but the “coping” has been removed. 3-11-2015.
Figure 46. Left to be done in in the last 4 days, 10-13 November. 9-11-2015.
Figure 64. Muaffaq Hazza, field director, and Ali Owaisi, DoA rep, discussing project strategy. 5-11-2015.
Figure 12. A huge quantity of stone was thrown into the reservoir in the past 20 years. Foreman Ali Aqil serves as scale, 19-9-2015.
Figure 42. Sunshine and evaporation proved the best drying agent! 8-11-2015
Figure 41. Another way was to dam up the puddles and move the water away sideways. 8-11-2015.