Figure 58. Removing sediment mound from this and earlier cleanouts south side of reservoir. 7-11-2015.
Figure 44. After overnight showers a rain-slicked floor made the work challenging. 9-11-2015.
Figure 30. Taking the high ground first – in a sea of wet sediment. 27-10-2015
Figure 29. Soil removal – bucket by bucket, after the first rain, 26-10-2014
Figure 22. Stone and soil removal – experimental; it proved very difficult to flip the stones over the top edge. 22-10-2015.
Figure 2. Butler 1913 Ill. 138. The Great Reservoir; View from the Southeast. Archaeological Archives, accessed November 25, 2015, Identifier # 925;
Figure 7. Graffiti over graffiti over the stairs, 19-10-2015
Figure 47. Three days later, the last pocket of soil on the last day of scheduled team work. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza. 13-11-2015