Figure 2. Butler 1913 Ill. 138. The Great Reservoir; View from the Southeast. Archaeological Archives, accessed November 25, 2015, Identifier # 925;
Figure 46. Left to be done in in the last 4 days, 10-13 November. 9-11-2015.
Figure 3. North side and NW corner of reservoir in 1905 photograph. The “draughted masonry” is exposed where the ancient coat of thick plaster (called opus signinum by Butler) has fallen off. The “coping of flat and well fitted slabs” is visible on top of the wall in the segment on the right.
Figure 12. A huge quantity of stone was thrown into the reservoir in the past 20 years. Foreman Ali Aqil serves as scale, 19-9-2015.
Figure 17. Sediment basin 2, stone removal, part 1. 19-10-2015
Figure 36. Each of two teams marked off squares for removal. 4-11-2015
Figure 25. Stone up 3. 24-10-2015.
Figure 47. Three days later, the last pocket of soil on the last day of scheduled team work. Photo by Muaffaq Hazza. 13-11-2015